What are the different kinds of namespaces available in a Container?

In a Container, we have an isolated environment with a namespace for each resource that the kernel provides. There are mainly six types of namespaces in a Container.

  1. UTS Namespace: UTS stands for UnixTimesharing System. In UTS namespace every container gets its own hostname and
    domain name.
  2. Mount Namespace: This namespace provides its own file system within a container. With this namespace, we get root like/ in the filesystem on which the rest of the file structure is based.
  3. PID Namespace: This name space contains all the processes that run with in a Container. We can run ps command to see the processes that are running within a Dockercontainer.
  4. IPC Namespace : IPC stands for Inter-Process Communication. This name space covers shared memory, and semaphores, and named pipe set cre sources that are shared by processes. The items in this namespace do not cross the container boundary.
  5. User Namespace : This namespace contains the users and groups that are defined within a container.
  6. Network Namespace: With this namespace, container provides its own network resources like- ports, devices etc. With this namespace, Dockercreatesan independent network stack within each container.