What is the typical DevOps workflow you use in your organization?

The typical DevOps workflow in our organization is as follows:

  1. We use Atlassian Jira for writing requirements and tracking tasks.
  2. Based on the Jira tasks, developers check the code into the GIT version control system.
  3. Thecodechecked into GIT is built by using Apache Maven.
  4. The build process is automated with Jenkins.
  5. During the build process, automated tests run to validate the code checked in by the developer.
  6. Code built on Jenkins is sent to organizations Artifactory.
  7. Jenkins automatically picks the libraries fromArtifactory and deploys them to Production.
  8. During Production deployment, Docker images are used to deploy the same code on multiple hosts.
  9. Once code is deployed to Production, we use Nagios to monitor the health of production servers.
  10. Splunk-based alerts inform us of any issues or exceptions in production.