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Glucose is mainly absorbed in
Most of the red, blue and purple colours of plants are due to a pigment called
Secondary growth is the production of
The only movable bone in the skull is
What will be expected blood groups in the off spring when there is a cross between AB blood group mother and heterozygous B blood group father ?
Which of the following is the sensory receptor involved in detecting blood pressure -
An electron microscope can be used for viewing
Goitre is caused by the deficiency of _
Most viruses that infect plant possess
Seed dormancy is regulated by
The only plant cells without nuclei among the following are:
When a child is born, what happens to its blood circulation
Which of the following is the unit of inheritance ?
An example of hormone is
Golden rice has the highest quantity of
Movements due to light are shown by
Select the correct statement about active and passive immunity.
The only reptiles that have specially adapted jaws to be able to swallow eggs or prey much larger in diameter than themselves are
When a disease break out and spread from one place to another affecting large number of peoples it is called
Which of the following is/are NOT the male sex hormone(s)?
An ice block with a piece of lead embeded in it floats in water. If ice melts the water level
Grassland with scattered tree is known as
Mumps is a disease caused by
Select the High Yielding Varieties of seed-crops developed under Green Revolution in India.
The order of appearance of the main group of organisms during evolution can best be described as follows:
When a foreign body inter into blood circulatory system the reaction is started by
Which of the following light is least effective in photosynthesis -
An individual whose blood type is B may in an emergency, donate blood to a person whose blood type is
Greater population can be supported on the earth only if we eat more
Mumps is a viral disease that c inflammation of:
Self pollination will lead to
The organ which gets only oxygenated blood is
When a patient’s blood pressure is taken, the pressure exerted by blood on the walls of the blood vessels is measured. At what stage is this pressure measured ?
Which of the following lobe of human brain is related with hearing
An infectious disease caused by a spiral shaped bacterium, spread mainly by sexual contact, is
Green manure is obtained from
Mushroom cultivation is not useful in
Sense of smell is perceived by
The organs of the circulatory system consist of
When a person, after a certain degree of exertion, suffers from pain in the chest or below the collar bones in the event of inadequate supply of oxygen to the heart muscles, he is said to suffer from
Which of the following micro-organism causes diseases like polio and chicken pox?
An insect - catching plant is:
Green mould is common name for
Mutation is
Serpasil is obtained from the
The outer membrane that covers the brain is
Which of the following microorganism cause hepatitis B?
An insect is an organism having
Green pigment is called
Mycobacterium leprae causes leprosy, Corynebacterium diphtheria causes diphtheria and Vibrio comma causes
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