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In man which organisms cause abscesses on the skin of arms or legs?
Photosynthesis is a process
The DPT vaccine is given to young babies to protect them from
The universal donor belongs to blood group
Which among the given is true -
Which one of the following parts of the pitcher plant becomes modified into a pitcher?
In man, the normal number of chromosomes is
The Drone in honey-bee are
The universal donor blood group is
Which among the given is true about cold blooded animals
Which one of the following plants does not process oxygen?
Chemicals like _ may be added to different foods or fruits to prevent or retard the growth microorganisms.
In meiosis the daughter cells are not similar to that of parent because of
Photosynthesis occurs
The drug used in Ascariasis is
The upper chambers of the heart are the
Which among the given is true with reference to blood platelets
Which one of the following processes in the bodies of living organisms is a digestive process?
Chlamydomonas prefers water rich in
In most mammals, including human, the embryo develops within the mothers uterus and they are called
Photosynthesis takes place faster in
The duodenum is a part of the
The useful part of Zingiber officinale is _?
Which among the given is used by green plants for the manufacture of sugar?
Which one of the following processes takes place in lakes during eutrophication?
Cholera is caused by
In most plants and animals, the fluid filled sacs or cisternae of Golgi Bodies may vary from
Phycology is the branch of botany in which we study about
The duration 19-21 days refers to:
The vaccination against small pox involves the introduction of
Which among the given is used in the treatment of cancer
Which one of the following scientists first time saw bacteria through a microscope made by himself ?
Christmas factor is involved in:
In N2 - fixation process, nitrite is converted to nitrate by
Pick out the viral disease among the following:
The earliest stage in the liver disease caused by excessive alcohol consumption over a long period of time is
The vegetation of the Thar desert consists of
Which among the given member of the family Solanaceae is a rich source of vitamin C?
Which one of the following traits of garden pea studied by Mendel was a recessive feature?
Chromosome designation of Turner sydrome is:
In old age stiffness of joints is due to the
Pickles, candies, jams and breads are preserved by the much of adding
The ecosystem of a pond is referred as
The virus is
Which among the given metals is present in chlorophyll
Which one of the following weeds is effective in controlling water pollution caused by industrial effluents?
Chromosomes consist of
In our body, antibodies are formed against pathogens in
Pigeon milk is produced by
The edible part of ‘cabbage’ is which of the following?
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