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Which among the given vertebrates lack exoskeleton -
Which vitamin is abundant in citrus fruits?
Crown of teeth is made up of
In which of the following organs of human body does maximum absorption of food take place?
Plants hormone that induces cell division is
The fibrous root system is better adapted functionally than the tap root system to perform
Tissue in which cells have lost the capacity of cell division
Which among the given vitamins are water soluble -
While cooking food, the compounds lost to the maximum extent are
_ is a multi branched polysaccharide of glucose that serves as a form of energy storage in animals & fungi
Crows and pigeons are
In which of the following plants, you can find Leghemoglobin?
The filtration unit of kidney is
To reduce tooth decay most toothpastes contain a
Which among the given vitamins cannot be stored in the liver?
White blood cell act
_ reproduces by binary fission.
Crude oil is sometimes termed sweet as it is:
Plants mainly receive their nutrients from
The final concentration of the fluid to produce a markedly hypertonic urine takes place in
To which among the given families do all pulses belong?
Which among the given vitamins promotes the healthy functioning of eyes in human beings?
White blood corpuscles in the human body have a diameter of approximately
_ is a thyroid hormone which controls the balance of calcium in the body.
Crude oil is sometimes termed sweet because it is :
In which one of the following kinds of organisms is the phenomenon found wherein the female kills the male after copulation?
Plants release energy during
The finger like projections called villi, present in the small intestine, help in the process of _
To which animal phyla do organisms with round bodies marked externally into rings or segments belong.
Which amongst the following has the lowest metabolic rate of oxygen consumption (mm3/g hour)?
Who among the following had discovered the rabies vaccine?
_ is the interaction in which one species benefits and the other is neither harmed nor benefited.
Cyanobacteria are also known as
In which organ of the body is the red blood corpuscle made ?
Plants synthesis protein from
The first CO2 acceptor in C4 plants is
To which group of blood an universal recipient belongs -
Which antigen is present in O blood group?
Who among the following proposed Five Kingdom Classification -
2, 4-D is used as
Darwin finches refer to a group of
In which part of the eye lies the pigment that decides the colour of the eyes of a person -
Plants synthesise protein from
The first phase in the sexual reproduction of an organism is
Total number of bones in man is
Which bacteria cause the greatest harm in the food industry?
Who among the following worked on Tuberculosis?
A big number of identical plants can be obtained in a short span of time through
Darwin finches refers to a group of
In which section of the plant does photosynthesis take place?
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