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What does Ozone Layer absorb
Which of the Chemical substance secreted by pancreas ?
Which statement is NOT true about polymers?
As per the theory of relativity, Which among the given always remains constant
German Silver contains following Metals
Maximum permissible concentration of copper in drinking water in mg/L is -
Species Containing Same number of electrons are called?
What does SSL stand for?
Which of the following always makes the smaller image of body, which is placed in front of it?
Which two basic forces are able to provide on attractive force between the two neutrons?
Aspartame is an artificial sweetener sold in the market. It consists of amino acids and provides calories like other amino acids. Yet, it is used as a low-calorie sweetening agent in food items. What is the basis of this use?
German Silver used for making utensils is an alloy of
Mention the source of Liver, milk, egg yolk, fish liver oil?
Spices detoriate after prolonged boiling
The method used to obtain alcohol from molasses is called
What enables ants to find their path from the colony to the source of food and back?
Which of the following analgesics is not habit-forming?
Which type of Glass is used for making glass reinforced plastic?
Assuming the earth to be a sphere of uniform mass density, how much would body weight half way down to the centre of earth if it weighed 250 N on the surface ?
German silver, an alloy, does not contain the metal
Mercury poisoning in man causes the disease
Spirit in contact with body gives cool sensation as it is:
The minimum temperature is measure by -
What fraction of Human Blood is Plasma?
Which of the following angiosperm is vesselless -
Which type of molecular motion does not contribute towards internal energy?
At high altitude, pressure cooker is preferable for cooking because the boiling point of water
Ginger is a modified
Mercury thermometers can be used to measure temperatures upto
Spontaneous change is one in there is:
What George Westinghouse invented (Invented in 1868)?
Which of the following animals has the longest life span?
Which type of waves are used by a ‘RADAR’ for detecting the presence of an aircraft?
At high altitudes it is difficult to cook eggs or vegetables properly because of
Ginger is a stem but not a root because-
Sporangia bearing leaf of a fern is called
The mirror used in search light is -
What happens during seed germination?
Which of the following are most penetrating rays?
Which type of waves used by radar for detecting the presence of aircraft?
At the Highest value of black body radiations, it wavelength -
Metabolism is referred to as
Stainless steel is an alloy of-
The modulus of rigidity is the ratio of
What happens to a liquid, when the vapour pressure equals the atmospheric pressure -
Which of the following are the ingredients of gun metal?
Which vitamin protects us from Pellagra disease?
At which place are mesons found -
Glass is a
Metal tea pots have wooden handles as
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