Ampere-Maxwell s Law is a relation between the tangential component of magnetic field at points on a closed curve and the net current through the area bounded by the curve. It states that line integral of magnetic field vector B around any closed circuit (loop) is equal to µ<sub>0</sub> times the total current threading or passing through the enclosed area. Mathematically, it is stated as <math display="block"> <mo>���</mo> <mtable> <mtr> <mtd> <mmultiscripts> <mo></mo> <mprescripts/> <mi>→nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;</mi> <mi></mi> </mmultiscripts> <mmultiscripts> <mo></mo> <mprescripts/> <mi>→</mi> <mi></mi> </mmultiscripts> </mtd> </mtr> <mtr> <mtd> <mi>B . dt</mi> </mtd> <mtd> <mi>=nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;</mi> <msub> <mi>µ</mi> <mn>0</mn> </msub> <msub> <mi>(I + I</mi> <mn>d</mn> </msub> <mn>)</mn> </mtd> </mtr> <mtr> <mtd> <mi>where,</mi> </mtd> <mtd> <msub> <mi>I</mi> <mn>d</mn> </msub> <mi>nbsp;=nbsp;</mi> <msub> <mi>ε</mi> <mn>0</mn> </msub> <mfrac> <mrow> <msub> <mi>d��</mi> <mn>E</mn> </msub> </mrow> <mrow> <mi>dt</mi> </mrow> </mfrac> </mtd> </mtr> </mtable> </math>