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राज्य पुनर्गठन आयोग का गठन किस वर्ष किया गया था
Digital photos and scanned images are typically stored as graphics with extension such as .bmp, .png, .jpg, .tif or .gif
A…… is a computer attached to the Internet that runs a special Web server software and can send Web pages out to other computers over the Internet
After a user has saved and deleted many tiles, many scattered areas of stored data remain that are too small to be used efficiency, causing...
Which of the following is the communication protocol that sets the standard used by every computer that accesses Web-based information ?
Which of the following converts all the statements in a program in a single batch and the resulting collection of instructions is placed in a new file ?
A program that generally has more user-friendly interface than a DBMS is called a.....
When you install a new program on your computer, it is typically added to the menu
Which of the following contains information about a single "entity" in the database - like a person, place, event, or thing?