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there is not role of mother tongue in learning L2
The use of mother tongue will facilitate learning
the use of mother tongue will create interference
the mother tongue should not be used by the learners
The process of assessment in a language class should be conducted:
As per the national curriculum framework (NCF)2005, multilingualism in learning a language should be seen as a
The most important factor which is responsible for the differentiation between language learning and language acquisition is
Which one of the following is the most important about storytelling
Dictation does not help learners to
An English teacher after completing chapter from the textbook asks question based on the text to
वह छोटी से छोटी संख्या क्या है जिसमें से यदि 11 घटा दे तो शेषफल 14, 15, 21, 32 और 60 से पूर्णत: विभाजित हो जाता है
2,4,0. 36 तथा 7.2 का महत्तम समापवर्तक ज्ञात करो
यदि आयकर 19% बन जाए तो नेट आए 1% कम हो जाती है आयकर की दर प्रतिशत ज्ञात करो
एक आदमी की कुल आय रु5200 है। इसमें से रु.3000 कर मुक्त है। 3% दर पर आयकर देने के बाद उसकी शुद्ध क्या होगी