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Asoka’s wife was
Associated with Indian History, the Battle of Aberdeen refers to
Assuming the title of Alamgir, Aurangzeb crowned himself as Emperor on July 21, 1658 at
At a place called Lothal, artificial dockyard was from which civilization
At Jallianwaia Bagh meeting _ ordered the troops to open fire.
At midnight on December 31, 1929 who unfuried the tricolor flag on Indian Independence on the banks of the Ravi at Lahore?
At Puhar or Kaveripumpattinam a great festival, described vividly by the Sangam Epic, was held in honour of Lord:
At the Calcutta session of the Indian National Congress (INC) held in 1906 the flag of Swaraj for India was unfuried by
At the historic Tripuri Session of the Congress (March 1939) Subhas Bose defeated Mahatma Gandhis official candidate for the Presidentship of the Congress. Who was Gandhijis nominee?
At the time of Alexanders invasion, which dynasty ruling north India