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Raja Mansingh
Division of the Vedic society into four classes is clearly mentioned in the
Do or Die (Karenge ya Marenge) - Gandhiji gave this Mantra to the nation on the eve of which mass movement?
Do or Die is associated with which of the movements in Indias freedom struggle?
Doctrine of Passive Resistance was published in the daily Vande Mataram in:
Dogs were buried in human burials at
Dr. B. R. Ambedkar organized a Bhishkrit Hitkari Sabha, (The Depressed Classes Institute) in :
Dring British rule, who was instrumental for the introduction of the Ryotwari system in the then Madras Presidency?
During Akbars reign the Mahabharat was translated into Persian and is known as
During Akbars reign the most common gold coin was Illahi, which in value was equal to
During colonial period, British capital was mainly invested in