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be the in - charge of Kings personal security guard
be the in - charge of intelligence/espionage activity
be the matter of ceromonies in the royal court
be assisting the king with his correspondence
In medieval India the state derived the highest income from?
In November 1781, Sir Eyre Coote defeated _ at Porto Nova
In order to promote cultivation during the medieval period, the rulers of Deccan adopted measures like istava. What does Istava mean ?
In order to restrict the freedom of the press, the British government passed "The Indian official secrets Act" in
In order to secure co-operation of Indians the British government in the midst of worsening wartime international situation sent Cripps Mission to India:
In order to study the position of education Indian constitutional commission was constituted in 1929 under the chairmanship of
In reference to ancient India, Tretayuga refers
In rigved , maximum number of slokas are written in the memory of
In Rigveda, maximum number of shlokas are written in the memory of
In Sangam Literature ‘Tolkappiyam’ is a text of