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In order to restrict the freedom of the press, the British government passed "The Indian official secrets Act" in
In order to secure co-operation of Indians the British government in the midst of worsening wartime international situation sent Cripps Mission to India:
In order to study the position of education Indian constitutional commission was constituted in 1929 under the chairmanship of
In reference to ancient India, Tretayuga refers
In rigved , maximum number of slokas are written in the memory of
In Rigveda, maximum number of shlokas are written in the memory of
In Sangam Literature ‘Tolkappiyam’ is a text of
In Sangam period, Which of the following were paid workers of Gram Sabha:
In Sanskrit plays written during the Gupta period women and Sudras speak:
In Sanskrit plays written during the Gupta period, Woman and sudras speak: