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In the Carnatic, the English supported the claims of
In the Chalcolithic period people of Maharashtra buried their dead under the floor of their houses in the following orientation
In the context of ancient Indian society which one of the following terms does not belong to the category of the other three ?
In the courtyard of the Quwwat-ul-Islam Mosque of Delhi stands the famous iron pillar in the memory of
In the early period of Indian history, Tondi was a flourishing seaport of
In the early Vedic-period, Varna system was based on
In the elections held in 1937 under the provisions of the Government of India Act of 1935 Congress Ministries were formed in :
In the excavations of Harappan sites, bones of camels have been found at
In the excavations of Harappan sites, bones of camels have been founded at
In the famous Kakori Conspiracy Case (August 1925) which of the following revolutionaries was not hanged?