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Royal Gorkha Rifle
34th Bengal Native Infantary
Sikh Regiment
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Manimekalai was written by
Mansab word is stood for:
Mansabdari System was founded by Akbar. The Mansabdars were
Manucharitam and Harikathasaram were the works of which of the following ‘Ashta diggajas’ of Krishna Deva Raya’s court?
Many details regarding the village administration under the Cholas is provided by the inscriptions at
Many of the Greeks, Kushanas and Shakas embraced Buddhism rather than Hinduism because:
Marathas got the right after any in death Madhya Pradesh
Market control had been first introduced in Medieval India by
Masud I was the son of which of the following kings?
Mathura became the hub of Jain religion during the reign of the