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He was a great dialectician
Like Einstein he had a rare insight into the nature of the universe
He was one of the greatest physicists of all time
He propounded the theory of shunyavada similar to Einstein’s theory of relativity
Nalanda Mahavira site is in
Nalanda University was a great center of learning, especially in
Nalanda University was a great centre of learning, especially in
Nalanda vihar was destroyed by
Nalanda, which was the center of higher education in ancient India was located in
Namdeva’s hymns are written in _
Name an Indian Saint (priest) who, attended the "World Congress of Religions" held at Chicago (U.S.) in 1893.
Name of Republic which was a confederacy to tribes in the 6th century B.C
Name of the kingdom which first used elephants in wars ?
Name of the mahajanapada which was a confederacy of 8 republic clans?