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The Year 1935
The Year 1939
The Year 1937
The Year 1942
Subhash Chandra Bose formed the government for independent India in Singapore, on -
Subhash Chandra Bose was elected the president of the Indian national congress :
Subject matter which Manu Smriti deals with is related to
Sudarsana lake was reconstructed by
Sudraka’s ‘Mrichhakatikam’ is a
Sufi Kalam, a type of devotional music, is in the Characteristic of
Sufi Kalam, a type of devotional music, is the characteristic of
Sufi Sect originated and developed in
Sufism the liberal and mystic movement of Islam, reached India in the _ century?
Sultanates of Delhi have taken which of the following in their buildings from the ancient architecture?