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disappearance of Indian Princely Courts only
establishment of alien rule only
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The decline of the Nandas at the hands of Kautilya and Chandragupta Maurya has been vividly portrayed in the Sanskrit play written by Kalidasa
The deep transforming effect that the Kalinga War had on Ashoka has been described in
The Delhi General who successfully adavanced up to Madurai was
The Delhi Sultanate reached its maximum geographical limits during the reign of _
The Delhi Sultanate virtually ended due to the invasion of
The demand for Swarajya or self- government within the British empire was made from the Congress platform by
The demand officially made by the Congress for a Constituent Assembly to frame the Constitution of India was accepted in principal by the British government in what is known as :
The description of the administration of Pataliputra is available in
The designation ‘Amil’ in Akbar’s time meant:
The designation amil’ during Akbars reign denoted a