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Jallianwalla Bagh Tragedy
Chauri Chaura Incident
Poona pact
Gandhi-Irwin pact
The Non-Cooperation movement had been launched by Gandhi in the year
The Non-Cooperation Movement started in
The Non-Cooperation Movement under Gandhi was in full swing during the Viceroyalty of
The Non-Cooperation Movement was suspended in February 1922 on account of
The Non-Cooperation Movement was withdrawn in 1920 because of
The Non-Cooperation Movement was withdrawn in 1922 because of
The normal form of government during the Vedic period was
The notion of Saptanga that was introduced in Arthashastraincludes
The novel ‘Neel Darpan’ depicting the harassment and oppression of Indigo farmers by the Britishers was written by:
The number of delegates who attended the first session of the Indian National Congress, held in Bombay in 1885, was