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Age of Kushans
Harappan Civilization
Rig Vedic Age
Age of Mauryas
The oldest Jain scriptures are regarded to be the
The oldest specimens of poetry in the Punjabi language are devotional compositions attributed to
The one most important feature of the Mauryan Administration was
The one who considered God as a loving father was _
The only Hindu Courtier of Akbar who accepted Din-i-Ilahi was:
The only Hindu noble at the court of Akbar to accept the Din-illahi was
The only known ruler in the history of India to have fixed the prices of different commodities, rigidly enforced quality control and ensured easy availability of essential commodities was
The only ruler of India who ruled over territories in central Asia beyond the Pamirs was
The only Sultan of Delhi to conquer Chittor, the capital of Mewar was
The only Veda to have been rendered musically is