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Khilji dynasty
Tughluq dynasty
Slave dynasty
Lodi dynasty
The Summary Settlement of 1856 was based on which one of the following assumptions?
The sun saint who maintained that devotional music was one way of coming close to God was
The Sun Temple of Konark was built by Narasimhadeva I. To which dynasty he belong to?
The Sunga dynasty had made _ the official religion of their kingdom.
The Sunga period saw the growth of one of the following religions. Identify.
The Sunga ruler Bhaga erected a monolithic Garuda at
The Sunga ruler, Agnimitra was the hero of a book written by
The surgery that was practised in ancient India is known from the works of which of the following scholars ?
The Suri king .......... was defeated by Humayun to regain his kingdom
The Sutta Pitaka consists of how many Nikayas?