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Burma (now Myanmar), Combodia, Indonesia and UAR
Burma, Sri Lanka, Combodia and Indonesia
Burma, Indonesia, Ghana and Sri Lanka
All of the above
To face the Maratha Army the Rohelas chief entered into a pact with
To make tools and weapons, the earliest inhabitants of India used
To meet the educational needs of the people, the Madarasa-I-Nasiri was built in the reign of
To overthrow the BRITISH rule, kuka Movement was organized in.
To spread his message to the people, Asoka used
To take care of the conquered lands, Mohmmad Ghori left behind his trusted General
To take care of the conquered lands, Muhmmad Ghori left behind his trusted General
To which dynasty did Ashoka belong?
To which Ganarajya Gautam Buddha belonged?
To which king belongs the Lion capital at Sarnath?