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776 BC
786 BC
800 BC
890 BC
When and by whom were the Asokan inscriptions deciphered for the first time ?
When and where did the Theosophical Society establish its headquarters in India?
When and where was Muhammad, the Prophet of Islam, born?
When Aurangzeb proceeded against Golcunda it was ruled by
When Babar invaded India in 1525, Humayun was the Governor of
When Babur invaded India who was the ruler of Vijayanagara empire in South India?
When Babur invaded India who was the ruler of Vijyanagara empire in South India?
When Chittor was captured by Akbar (1558), the Rana of Mewar was
When did Burma cease to be a part of Secretary of State of India?
When did coin / currency prevail in India?