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There is abundant gold, silver, copper and iron in India
There is a well established caste system in India
There are frequent famines in India
Dionysus has invaded India
Which of the following is not a holy book of Jainism?
Which of the following is not a text of Buddhism?
Which of the following is not among the regions where the Britishers had first set up trading posts?
Which of the following is not among the three Ratans or gems of Jainism?
Which of the following is not an important feature of the Chola temples?
Which of the following is not an important work of Kalidasa?
Which of the following is not come under Shruti literature?
Which of the following is not correct about Arya Samaj?
Which of the following is not correct about Prarthana Samaj?
Which of the following is not famous for temples marked by erotic sculptures?