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Indian pepper
Which one of the following items has been called Yavanapriya?
Which one of the following Janapadas was Republican state in sixth century BC?
Which one of the following kingdoms was annexed to the Mughal empire during the reign of Shahjahan?
Which one of the following libraries has the largest collection of manuscripts of historical value?
Which one of the following literary works did not belong to the Gupta period?
Which one of the following may be regarded as the first labour association in India?
Which one of the following mentioned division of the Mauryan Society into seven classes?
Which one of the following monuments in Delhi is not included as a World Heritage Site?
Which one of the following Mughal buildings is said to possess the unique feature of bring exactly equal in length and breadth
Which one of the following Muslim rulers was haild as the Jagadguru by his muslim subjects because of his belief in secularism?