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Chandragupta Maurya
Pushyamitra sunga
Who of the following was a contemporary of Gautama Buddha?
Who of the following was for the first time designated as the Governor of India
Who of the following was known as Amitrochates?
Who of the following was known as Deshbandhu?
Who of the following was sent as an ambassador to the royal court of Jahangir by James 1, the then king of England?
Who of the following was the biographer of Akbar?
Who of the following was the bitterest enemy of the British during the Revolt of 1857?
Who of the following was the god of morality during the rigvedic times?
Who of the following was the personal physician of Kanishka and also the author of a famous treatise on the Indian system of medicine?
Who of the following was the viceroy of India when the Communal Award was announced?