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The level of water will go up
The level of water will go down
The level of water will remain unchanged
The level of water will first increase then come to the previous on
A piece of paper & a cricket ball are dropped from the same height. Under Which among the given conditions do both reach the surface simultaneously
A pilot has to release the bomb to hit a target
A plane glass slab is placed over various coloured letters, The letter which appears least raised is
A planet is moving around the sun in an elliptical orbit. Its speed is
A pond may be referred to as
A pond of clear water appears less deep than it really is. This is due to
A pond of water seems less deep due to
A potentiometer wire is 100 cm long and a constant potential difference is maintained across it. Two cells are connected in series first to support one another and then in opposite direction. The balance points are obtained at 50 cm and 10 cm from the positive end of the wire in the two cases. The ratio of the emfs is
A radioactive element emits an alpha particle. The mass number of the element, after emission
A radioactive substance does not undergo any change (in mass or charge) during