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Steam is gas & engulfs the body quickly
Steam has latent heat
Temperature of steam is higher
Steam pierces through the pores of body quickly
Burns caused by steam are much severe than those caused by boiling water because
By how many times are the Electrostatic forces stronger than the Gravitational Forces for a fixed distance?
By how much times the orbital speed of a satellite needs to be increased to make it escape the gravitational field?
By what process is heat transmitted from the filament of an evacuated electric bulb to the glass?
By which of the following process some stars which are of the size of Sun or smaller convert hydrogen to helium?
Calculate the pressure (in Pa) if a thrust of 1000 N is applied to an area of 5 sq.m.
Calculate the time period (in seconds) of a sound wave of wavelength 4m traveling with a speed of 500m/s
Cathode rays were discovered by
Cathode rays when obstructed by metal cause emission of
Certain substances loose their electrical resistance completely at super low temperature. Such substances are called.