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Inductor coil
Current transformer (CT)
It S denotes sound energy, E denotes electrical energy and M denotes magnetic energy, the correct representation of recording and reproduction in an audio tape recorder is
It takes much longer to cook food in the hills than in the plains, because
Keplers law of planetary motion states that the square of the time period is proportional to the
Kerosene oil rises up in a wick of a lantern because of
Kilowatt -hour is the unit of:
Lakes freeze in cold countries in winter, leaving the water underneath at
Large astronomical telescopes always use as objective
Large current in D.C circuits can be measured with
Large transformers, when used for some time, become very hot and are cooled by circulating oil. The heating of the transformer is due to
Larger buildings may be supplied with a medium voltage electricity supply, and will require a substation or mini-sub. What is the main item of equipment contained in these?