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Jagjivan Ram
K.N. Katju
Balwant Raj Mehta
Ashok Mehta
A common High Court for two or more States and/or Union Territory may be established by :
A constitution amendment bill has also provisions pertaining to imposition, abolition, remission, alteration or regulation of a tax. Which of the following statements would hold correct for such a bill?
A Constitution Amendment BW after being passed by the Rajya Sabha is pending before a Select Committee of the Lok Sabha. Meanwhile the Parliament is dissolved. What happens to the bill?
A Constitution can be developed through
A Constitutional Amendment Bill passed by both Houses of Parliament
A Constitutional Emergency declared by the President has to be approved by Union Parliament within
A court enforces enjoyment of a Fundamental Right by issuing
A device to obtain the opinion of the people on an important public issue, when that issue has not been passed by the Legislature of the State, is known as
A dissolution does not affect:
A federal structure for India was first put forward by the