• 22 hrs 20 min

  • 24 hrs 40 min

  • 22 hrs 40 min

  • 24 hrs 20 min

Duration of the journey = (Duration form 12.25 noon to midnight) + (Duration from 12.00 midnight to 10.45 a.m.) = 11 hrs 35 min + 10 hrs 45 min = 22 hrs 20 min.

A bus starts from city X. The number of women in the bus is half of the number of men. In city Y, 10 men leave the bus and five women enter. Now, number of men and women is equal. In the beginning, how many passengers entered the bus ?

A C F K ?

A certain factory employed 600 men and 400 women and the average wager was Rs. 25.50 per day, If a woman got Rs. 5 less than a man, then what are their daily wages ?

A certain number of horses and an equal number of men are going somewhere. Half of the owners are on their horses back while the remaining ones are walking along leading their horses. If the number of legs walking on the ground is 70, how many horses are there ?

A child is looking for his father. He went 90 meters in the east before turning to his right. He went 20 meters before turning to is right again to look for his father at his uncles place 30 meters from this point. His father was not there. From there, he went 100 meters to his north before meeting his father in a street. How far did the son meet his father from starting point ?

A child walks 25 feet towards North, turns right and walks 40 feet, turns right again and walks 45 feet. He then turns left and walks 20 feet. He turns left again walks 20 feet. Finally, he turns to his left to walk another 20 feet. In which direction is the child from his starting point?

A child went 90 m in the East to look for his father, then he turned right and went 20 m. After this he turned right and after going 30 m he reached to his uncles house. His father was not there. From there he went 100 m to his north and met his father. How far did he meet his father from the starting point?

A clock becomes 12 s fast in every 3 h. If it is made correct at 3 O clock in the afternoon of Sunday, then what time will it show at 10 O clock Tuesday morning?

A clock buzzes 1 time at 1 Oclock, 2 time at 2 Oclock, 3 times at 3 Oclock and so on. What will be the total number of buzzes in a day?

A clock Gain Five minutes Every Hour. what will be the Angle Traversed by the Second Hand in One minute?