Find the odd word/number/letters/number pair from the given alternatives.
Find the same matching - Restore : Climb
Find the similar matching - Bull : Cow
Find the term which does not fit into the series: 1CC, 5FU, 9IT, 15LS, 17OR
Find the value of (?). 5, 30, 185, 1300, (?), 93650
Find the value of question mark 122 : 170 : : 290 : ?
Find the wrong number in the series 3, 8, 15, 24, 34, 48, 63
Fine the value of ? Mark. A, B, D, G, ?, P
Firm : Flabby :: Piquant : ?
First bunch of bananas has (1/4) again as many bananas as a second bunch. If the second bunch has 3 bananas less than the first bunch, then the number of bananas in the first bunch are