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Find the value of (?). 5, 30, 185, 1300, (?), 93650
Find the value of question mark 122 : 170 : : 290 : ?
Find the wrong number in the series 3, 8, 15, 24, 34, 48, 63
Fine the value of ? Mark. A, B, D, G, ?, P
Firm : Flabby :: Piquant : ?
First bunch of bananas has (1/4) again as many bananas as a second bunch. If the second bunch has 3 bananas less than the first bunch, then the number of bananas in the first bunch are
Fish is related to Water in the same way as Bird is related to
Five bells begin to toll together and toll respectively at intervals of 6, 5, 7, 10 and 12 seconds. How many times will they toll together in one hour excluding the one at the start ?
Five boys A, B, C, D, E are sitting in a park in a circle. A is facing South-West, D is facing South-East, B and E are right opposite A and D respectively and C is equidistant between D and B. Which direction is C facing?
Five boys Mahindra, Anjani, Anil, Anand and Alok are sitting in a row. Anil is not a neighbour of Anjani. Mahindra is not the neighbour of Anjani. Anil is a neighbour of Alok. If Alok is just in the middle, who is the neighbour of Mahindra?