• North-west

  • North

  • South-east

  • East


Golu is son of Bhola. Sheetal is daughter of Golu. Chitra is daughter of Dilip and Dilip is brother of Bhola. How is Chitra related to Sheetal?

Golu started from his house towards North. After covering a distance of 8 km. he turned towards left and covered a distance of 6 km. What is the shortest distance now from his house?

Gopal said, pointing to Govind His father is my fathers only son. How is Gopal related to Govind ?

Gopal started walking 2 km straight from his school. Then he turned right and walked 1 km. Again he turned right and walked 1 km to reach his house. If his house is south-east from his school, then in which direction did Gopal start walking from the school?

Gopal starts from his house towards West. After walking a distance of 30 meters, he turned towards right and walked 20 meters. He then turned left and moving a distance of 10 meters, turned to his left again and walked 40 meters. He now turns to the left and walks 5 meters. Finally he turns to his left. In which direction is he walking now?

Gopal starts from his house towards West. After walking a distance of 30 metres, he turned towards right and walked 20 metres. He then turned left and moving a distance of 10 metres, turned to his left again and walked 40 metres. He now turns to the left and walks 5 metres. Finally he turns to his left. In which direction is he walking now ?

Grass : Erosion :: Dam : ?

Gravity is related to Pull in the same way as Magnetism is related to

Guide is to direct as reduce is to

Gunjan said while pointing towards a man in a portrait, My mother is the only daughter of his mother. How does Gunjan is related to the man ?