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20 miles towards south
13 miles towards south-west
12 miles towards east
13 miles towards north-east
I walk 30 metres in North-West direction from my house and then 30 metres in South-west direction. After this I walk 30 metres in South-East direction. Now, I turn to my house, in what direction am I going?
I was born on August 11. Mohan is younger to me by 11 days. This years independence day falls on Monday. The day on which Mohans birthday will fall this year will be
Idioms and phrases for - In a nutshell
If @ means x, c means ÷ % means (+) and $ means -, then 6%12C3@8 $ 3 = ?
If * denotes added to, & denotes divided by, @ denotes multiplied by and % denotes subtracted from, then 153 & 17 @ 6 % 9 * 18 = ?
If αδγηε is coded as ARGUE and σφλπε is SOLVE, What is παγηελω is ?
if + divide by; - means multiplied by; x means minus and + means plus; then 8+6-24 x 4=?
If - stands for addition, / for multiplication, × for subtraction, and + for division, then which of the following is correct ?
If - stands for division, + for multiplication, ÷ for subtraction and × for addition, which one of the following equations is correct?
If ÷ means - , × means + , + means ÷ and - means ×, then the value of equation 10 ÷ 3 × 4 + 2 - 1 is