If each of the letters in the English alphabet is assigned an even numerical value by giving A = 2, B = 4 and so on, what would be the total value of the letters for he LADY when similarly coded ?
If ENGLAND is written as 1234526 and FRANCE is written as 785291, how is GREECE coded ?
If English alphabet is written in backward order, then find the 7th letter to the left of 11th letter from left ?
If English alphabet is written in the backward order, then which letter is 7th to the right of K ?
If ERASER is called PENCIL and PENCIL is called SHARPENER and SHARPENER is called BAG, what will a child write with ?
If every alternate letter from B onwards is written in small letters, whereas the other letters are written in capitals, how will the 3rd month from May be coded?
If every alternative letter starting from B of the English alphabet is written in small letter, rest all are written in capital letters, how the month September be written as:
If FATHER is coded as FBTIES, what should be the code for the word SISTER ?
If FATHER is coded as HCVJGT then how can SHIP be coded as
If February 1, 1996 is Wednesday, What day is March 3, 1996?