If in a certain code language TIGER is written as GRTVT, then what word will be written for HMZPV?
If in a certain code language TOP is written as OQNPSU, RAT is written as SUZBQS, then how will GUN be coded in that language?
If in a certain code language TRUE is coded as USSQVTFD, then what is the code for PRAY in the same language?
If in a certain code language, FLOWER is coded as UOLDVI, then how is TERMINAL coded in that language?
If in a certain code language, STUBBORN is written as TUVCANQM. How is TRAINING written in that code language?
If in a certain code THRASH is coded as UGSZTG, then how will HEAD be coded in that code?
If in a certain code, CERTAIN is coded as XVIGZRM, SEQUENCE is coded as HVJFVMXV, then how would MUNDANE be coded?
If in a certain code, CORPORATIONS is written as PROCTAROSNOI, then how is JUDICIAL written in that code?
If in a certain code, GLAMOUR is written as IJCNMWP and MISRULE is written as OGUSSNC, then how will TOPICAL be written in that code?
If in a certain code, TEACHER is written as VGCEJGT, how would DULLARD be written in the same code?