If air is called green, green is called red, red is called sea, sea is called blue, blue is called water and water is called pink, then what is the color of grass?
If DOLLY is 68 ,then how much will be BOLLY ?
If lily is called lotus, lotus is called rose, rose is called sunflower and sunflower is called marigold, then which will be the national flower on India ?
If MERCURY is written as FGIECAB in a code, how can CURE be written in that code?
IF P 3 Q means P is daughter of Q, P 5 Q means P is father of Q, P 7 Q, means P is mother of Q and P 9 Q means P is sister of Q, then how is J related to K in J 3 L 9 N 3 Q 5 K?
If p means -, q means +, r means ÷ and s means ×, then 16 p 4 q 5 s 8 r 2 is equal to
If + mean minus- mean multiplied by + mean plus and × mean divide by, then 10 × 5 ÷ 3 - 2 + 3 = ?
If + means -, - means ×, ÷ means + and × means ÷, then 25 × 5 ÷ 8 - 4 + 7 is equal to
If + means ÷, ÷ means ×, × means - and - means +, then what will be correct from the alternatives.
If + means minus, - means multiply, ÷ means plus and x means divide, then 10 x 5 ÷ 3 - 2 + 3 = ?