If Z= 2197 and R= 729. How would J be written in that code?
If ZEBRA can be written as 2652181, how can COBRA be written?
If ZXCVB is written as AYDWC then how will POIUY be written in that code?
IJ : PR : : ? : SU
In a .certain code-language, CUL, WAP, DIR means red little box, SUT; MAD BIX, means well arranged pile, BIX, FAC, DIR means pile of boxes. The code for of here is ?
In a caravan, in addition to 50 hens, there are 45 goats and 8 camels with some keepers. If the total number of feet be 224 more than the number of heads in the caravan, the number of keepers is
In a certain code ,CERTAIN is coded as XVIGZRM SEQUENCE is coded as HVJFVMXV.How would REQUIRED be coded?
In a certain code "MOUSE" is written as "PRUQC". How is "SHIFT" written in that code ?
In a certain code 786 means study very hard , 958 means hard work pays and 645 means study and work. which of the following is the code for very?
In a certain code BILLION is written as IBLLOIN. How is MILTON written in that code?