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In a .certain code-language, CUL, WAP, DIR means red little box, SUT; MAD BIX, means well arranged pile, BIX, FAC, DIR means pile of boxes. The code for of here is ?
In a caravan, in addition to 50 hens, there are 45 goats and 8 camels with some keepers. If the total number of feet be 224 more than the number of heads in the caravan, the number of keepers is
In a certain code ,CERTAIN is coded as XVIGZRM SEQUENCE is coded as HVJFVMXV.How would REQUIRED be coded?
In a certain code "MOUSE" is written as "PRUQC". How is "SHIFT" written in that code ?
In a certain code 786 means study very hard , 958 means hard work pays and 645 means study and work. which of the following is the code for very?
In a certain code BILLION is written as IBLLOIN. How is MILTON written in that code?
In a certain code DEAF is written as XYUZ. How is CAB written in the code?
In a certain code FIRE is coded as DGPC. What will be the last letter of the coded word for SHOT.
In a certain code FORGET is written as DPPHCV. How would DOCTOR be written in that code?