In a code language FLORA is written as HNQTC than in the same code language BRUSH will be written as
In a code language MOBILE is written as ASDFGH, STORK is written as PLSQW. How is MOTORBIKE written in that code?
In a code language, DISTANCE is written as IDTUBECN and DOCUMENT is written as ODDVNTNE. How is THURSDAY written in that language?
In a code language, EARN is written as 4073. What is the code for LIGHT?
In a code language, VICTORY is written as CIVSYRO. How will TRAITOR be written as in the language?
In a code sign DRLAL is coded as 62014314. How CAMEL is coded ?
In a code, cox un mev means bread and jam, un mev lod means bread and butter and gis un lod means butter and toast what would be the code for jam and toast?
In a code, PROCESSOR is coded as ROSSECORP in a code, which of the following words is coded as RETUPMOC in this code?
In a coded language COMPUTER is written as RETUPMOC. How is MACHINE written in the same code
In a coded language, POLITE is coded as OTILEP, then how does the SUITOR will be coded in the same language ?