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K is the brother of T. M is the mother of K. W is the brother of M. How is W related to T?
Kailash remembers that his brother Deepaks birthday falls after 20th May but before 28th May, while Geeta remembers that Deepaks birthday falls before 22nd May but after 12th May. On what date Deepaks birthday
kalyani is mother-in-law of veena who is sister-in-law of ashok. Dheeraj is father of sudeep the only brother of Ashok. How is kalyani related to ashok?
Kamu walks 5 kms straight from her house towards west then turns right and walks 3 kms. There-after she takes left turn and walks 2 km. Further, she turns left and walks 3 km. Finally, she turns right and walks 3 kms. In what direction she is now from her house?
Kannan is the brother of Kumar. Lakshmi is the daughter of Kumar. Kali is sister of Kannan and Govind is the brother of Lakshmi. Who is the uncle of Govind ?
Karan has a brother Prem and a sister Neesha. Karans wife is Naj and has a daughter Naksha. Naksha got married to Neeshas son Akbar and has a baby girl Riya. What is the relation between Naksha and Neesha?
Karan remembers that his sisters birthday is not after 18th August. Karans mother remembers that karans sister birthday is before 20th august but after 17th august. On which date of august is karans sister birthday ?
Karnataka : Gold :: Madhya Pradesh : ?
Kashish goes 30 metrs North, then turns right and walks 40 metres, then again turns right and walks 20 metres, then again turns right and walks 40 metres. How many metres is he from his original position?
Kate walks 4 km towards South. She then turns towards her left and walks 8 km more. After that she turns left again and walks another 8 km. Here, she meets her friend coming from the opposite direction and they both stop here. Which direction would she be facing?