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Neice or Dughter
Nareshs Age is 4 year less than Twice the Age of his Brother. Which of the Following Represents the Equation to find his Age?
Neelu, who is Mohits daughter, says to Bindu, Your mother Reeta is the Youngest sister of my father, who is the third child of sohanji. How is Sohanji related to Bindu ?
Neeraj is facing north, then he turns 45 degree right and goes 25m, then turns in south-east direction to move 25 m and from there 25 m to east. In which direction/place is he from his original place ?
Newspaper, Hoarding, Television
Nitin ranks 18th in a class of 49 students. What is rank from the last ?
No apple is an orange. All bananas are oranges.
No risk no gain. You
Nun is related to Convent in the same way as Hen is related to:
Oar is to rowboat as foot is to
Of the following, which is greater than 1/2?