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Pride is to lion as shoal is to
Priya, Juhi, Amit, Nitin and Ram are five friends studying in the same class. Juhi crores higher marks than Ram but lesser than Priya. Nitin scores the highest and Ram scores the lowest marks. If Amit secures second rank out of the five, who stands at the third position?
Ps father is Qs son. M is the paternal uncle of P and N is the Brother of Q. How is N related to M ?
Ps father Q is Bs paternal uncle and As husband M is Ps paternal uncle. How is A related to B?
Ps father Qs son. M is the paternal uncle of P and N is the brother of Q. How is N related to M?
Q is the brother of R; P is the sister of Q; T is brother of S; S is the daughter of R. Who are the cousins of Q ?
Qs mother is sister of P and daughter of M. S is daughter of P and sister of T. How is M related to T?
Qs mother is sister of P and daughter of M. S is the daughter of P and sister of T. How is M related to T?
Rabbit is related to Burrow in the same way as Lunatic is related to