Ram is the brother of Deepak, Sunita is sister of Rajesh. Deepak is the son of Sunita. How is Ram related to Sunita?
Ram travels a distance of 5 km from a place A towards North, turns left and walks 3 km again turns right and walks 2 km. Finally, she turns right and walks 3 km to reach the place B. what is the distance between A and B?
Ram walks 3 km towards East and takes a left turn and walks for one km before he turns left and walks 2 km to take another left turn to walk for another one km how many km is he away from his starting point?
Ram was born on 2 January 1946. What day of the week was that?
Rama is sallu s brother ,Heera is sallus sisters only son. Heera married Rama,s daughter .what is the relation between Rama and Neha, who is Heera s daughter ?
Ramakant walks North-wards. After a while he turns to his right and a little further to his left.Finally, after walking a distance of one kilometer, he turns to his left again. In which direction is he moving now ?
Ramakant walks northwards. After a while, he turns to his right and a little further to his left. Finally, after walking a distance of one kilometre, he turns to his left again. In which direction is he moving now?
Raman is performing yoga with his head down and legs up. His face is towards the west. In which direction, will his left hand be ?
Raman says "Anujs mother is the only daughter of my mother." How is Anuj related to Raman?
Raman starts walking in the morning facing the Sun. After sometime, he turned to the left. Later again he turned to his left. At what direction is Raman moving now?