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Select the related word from options- Music : Guitar : Performer
Select the related word/letters/number from the given alternatives. 16 : 40 : : 20 : ?
Select the related word/letters/number from the given alternatives. E : V : : D : ?
Select the related word/letters/number from the given alternatives. Ganga : India : : Nile : ?
Select the word from the given alternative Class : School : Student : : ?
Select the word/letter which has same relation:
Select the word/letter which has same relation: 10 : 99 :: 9 : ?
Select the word/letter which has same relation: 144 : 10 :: 169 : ?
Select the word/letter which has same relation: 16 : 56 :: 32 : ?
Select the word/letter which has same relation: 24 : 60 :: 120 : ?