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Today is Thursday. The day after 60 days will be
Today is Tuesday. What day will it be 62 days from today?
Today is Varuns birthday. One year, from today he will be twice as old as he was 12 years ago. How old is Varun today ?
Today is Wednesday , what will be the day after 84 days?
Town D is 13 Km. towards the East of town A. A bus starts from town A travels 8 Km. towards West and takes a right turn. After taking the right turn, it travels 5 Km. and reaches town B. From town B the bus takes a right turn again, travels 21 Km. and stops. How far and towards which direction must the travel to reach town D?
Town D is towards East of town F. Town B is towards North of town D. Town H is towards South of town B. Towards which direction is town H from town F?
Tractor : Trailer :: Horse : ?
Transition : Change :: Immobility : ?
Traveller is related to Journey in the same way as a Sailor is related to:
Tungsten is related to Filament in the same way as Bronze is related to