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25 min
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30 min
Two houses start from the opposite points of a main road, 150 km apart. The first bus runs for 25 km and takes a right turn and then runs for 14 km. It then turns left and runs for another 25 km and takes the direction back to reach the main road. In the meantime, due to a minor breakdown, the other bus has run only 35 km along the main road. What would be the distance between the two buses at this point?
Two ladies and two men are playing cards are seated at North, East, South and West of a table. No lady is facing East. Persons sitting opposite to each other are not of the same sex. One man is facing South. Which directions are the ladies facing?
Umbrella is related to Rain in the same way as Goggles is related to
Umesh directly went from P, to Q which is 9 feet distant. Then he turns to the right and walked 4 feet. After this he turned to the right and walked a distance which is equal from P to Q. Finally he turned to the right and walked 3 feet. How far is he now from P?
Umpire : Game :: ?
Vaunt : Flaunt :: Disparate : ?
Veena who is the sister-in-law of Ashok, is the daughter-in-law of Kalyani. Dheeraj is the father of Sudeep who is the only brother of Ashok. How Kalyani is related to Ashok?
Vendor is related to Buyer in the same way as Consultant is related to
Vicuna : Camel : : Repec : ?
Video is related to Cassettee in the same way as Computer is related to