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X is the husband of Y. W is the daughter of X. Z is the husband of W. N is the daughter of Z. What is the relationship of N to Y?
X is the son of Y. Z, Y is sister, has a son N and a daughter O. J is the maternal uncle of N. Then how is O related to Y?
X started to walk straight towards south. After walking 5 m he turned to the left and walked 3 m. After this he turned to the right and walked 5 m. Now to which direction X is facing?
X walked 20 feet from A to B in the East direction. Then X turned to the right and walked 6 feet. Again X turned to the right and walked 28 feet. How far is X from A?
X+Y means X is the daughter of Y, X-Y means X is the husband of Y, X×Y means X is the brother of Y. If A+B‐C, which of the following is true?
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Y is in the East of X which is in the North of Z. If P is in the South of Z, then in which direction of Y, is P?
Yard is to Fence as Cell is to
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You are a guest at a dinner. The host asks you to take one more chapati after your stomach is full. You would