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The cream of Afghan nobles
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The select body of the Turkish Aristocracy
The ulema or the Muslim divines
What is meant by a Pir in the Sufi tradition?
What is said to be the original home of the Sungas?
What is the actual number of Sutras of Vedic mathematics ?
What is the actual shape of the Earth ?
What is the ancient name of river Sutlej?
What is the center of Roman business during Sangam Age?
What is the correct Chronological Order of Nandas, Sungas, Mauryas & Hayankas dynasties of Ancient India?
What is the first discourse that the Buddha had delivered at the Deer Park in Sarnath called?
What is the fundamental difference between Hinayana and Mahayana sects of Buddhism?
What is the Karachi Session of Congress March 1931 well known for?